Global 무지개 토토

Great Train Ex무지개 토토ess (GTX) Line between Samseong and Dongtan (Lot 2   3) 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
Im무지개 토토ovement of Maegok Water Treatment Plant 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
Vam Cong Bridge and Approach Bridge Construction 무지개 토토 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
Samsan Sea Bridge Construction 무지개 토토 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
Payra Port’s Fist Terminal, Connecting Road, Bridge Construction 무지개 토토 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
Pyeongchang Olympic Sliding Center 세계지도-남아메리카 Latin 무지개 토토
2countries/8무지개 토토세계지도-아시아 6countries /12무지개 토토세계지도-유럽 Europe
세계지도-북아메리카 North 무지개 토토
4countries/7무지개 토토세계지도 Asia
세계지도-아프리카 Africa
3countries/3무지개 토토17countries/99무지개 토토세계지도-오세아니아 Oceania
1countries/1무지개 토토
세계현황아시아아메리카아프리카유럽 / 오세아니아
Countries 무지개 토토 Name Services Client Period
Countries 무지개 토토 Name Services Client Period
East Timor
무지개 토토eparation of Design for 169km of National Roads (3 Sections)
East Timor | Supervision | Ministry of Public Works(MPW) | 2014-09-29 ~ 2015-10-31
Supervision Ministry of Public Works(MPW) 2014-09-29
East Timor
Construction Supervision for the Upgrading and Maintenance of the Dili - Ainaro
East Timor | Supervision | Ministry of Development and Institutional Reforms | 2019-04-30 ~ 2022-10-29
Supervision Ministry of Development and Institutional Reforms 2019-04-30
Final Design and Supervision of the execution of Bypass Managua 무지개 토토 (Ticuantepe - Santo Domingo - San Judas - Nejapa)
Nicaragua | Design / Supervision | Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure | 2019-01-18 ~ 2023-01-17
Design / Supervision Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure 2019-01-18
Renewable Energy Development 무지개 토토 in Rural Areas
Nicaragua | Design / Supervision | Ministry of Energy and Mines | 2017-09-20 ~ 2020-09-19
Design / Supervision Ministry of Energy and Mines 2017-09-20
Feasibility Study of Mass Rapid Transit (Underground and Elevated Railway) System in Kathmandu Valley
Nepal | Feasibility Study | Ministry of Physical Planning and Works | 2012-01-13 ~ 2012-11-12
Feasibility Study Ministry of Physical Planning and Works 2012-01-13
Detail Survey and Design of Electrified Railway Line for Tamsaria-Butwal Sector of Mechi-Mahakali Railway and Butwal-Bhairahawa
Nepal | Design | Ministry of Physical Planning and Works | 2013-03-15 ~ 2014-06-12
Design Ministry of Physical Planning and Works 2013-03-15
Consultancy Services for the Detail Survey and Design of Electrifed Railway Line for Simara-Tamsaria Sector of Mechi-Mahakali R
Nepal | Design | Ministry of Physical Planning and Works | 2013-03-15 ~ 2014-09-14
Design Ministry of Physical Planning and Works 2013-03-15
Detail Survey and Design of Electrified Railway Line Simara-Bardibas Section of Mechi-Mahakali Railway and Simara-Birgunj Link
Nepal | Design | Ministry of Physical Planning and Works | 2012-01-13 ~ 2013-03-29
Design Ministry of Physical Planning and Works 2012-01-13
Construction Supervision of SASEC Highway Improvement 무지개 토토 (SHIP-CSC)
Nepal | Supervision | Department of Roads | 2020-10-04 ~ 2030-01-04
Supervision Department of Roads 2020-10-04
Feasibility Study and Detail Design for Construction of New Bridges and Maintenance of Existing Bridges
Nepal | Design / Supervision | The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport | 2015-02-03 ~ 2015-09-02
Design / Supervision The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport 2015-02-03